Bucks County Museum - History Re-eactment Workshop

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Bucks County Museum
Buck's County Museum is based in a collection of buildings. Ceely House is the original part of the museum and started as a timber frame jettied ‘Brother House’ of the Fraternity of the Virgin Mary, and dates to the 1400s. When the Fraternity was dissolved by Henry VIII in 1547, it is believed that it was purchased by Sir Edward Warner or John Gosnold.

It is thought that the building was turned into a house and lived in by the Heywood family. We know Richard Heywood died in 1701, and was the Registrar of the Commissary Court for the Archdeaconry of Buckinghamshire.
1603 - Easter at Home
April 2019
We assumed an earlier member of the Heywood family lives in the house, but is an up and coming merchant.

Thomas Heywood, merchant of the town, is trying to reconcile both his business and household accounts – Easter brings many of its own expenses, especially after 6 weeks of Lenten fast: his wife and housekeeper have been busy ordering all the meat and dairy provisions – visitors helped Master Heywood keep his accounts up to date.

The Cook – Ann Holder was looking for help in thinking of ways to make the Easter day feast more special than last year.  As Lent is over, butter can be made! Visitors helped Ann make some sweetmeats using a spice that only the wealthy can afford: sugar.
We are a small but nationally based interpretation group, covering Tudor and Stuart domestic life. Founded in 1985, we have been recreating historic families in first person, to give visitors of historic houses an educational and memorable visit.
Created with WebSite X5
Registered Charity Nº 1040799
We specialise in turning an old house into a home, bringing a Tudor or Stuart family to life, to fully interact with your visitors.
We can also offer a range of variations around the same period, depending on what you have available.
We are always keen for new people to come and join us. As we recreate domestic life, we're open to all. No previous experience or in depth knowledge is required. The 'Workshop' in our title is all about training our members.
Contact the Secretary
History Re-enactment Workshop
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